Conquest Of Paradise

A few days ago I was curiously reminded of a video that was most regularly played before guest lectures and important occassions during my post graduation. It was one of those rare five minutes in the college auditorium, where the parade-like music thumped and there was pin-drop silence. I have often noticed that the passion and inspiration that sport brings, are hardly matched by any other. Be it the Indian blockbuster Chak … Continue reading “Conquest Of Paradise”

It’s a first!

Earlier into the year, I had written about the desire for lone travelling and mentioned that the solitude, in some cases was one of my biggest fears. Although I enjoy my alone time immensely and quite often crave for more, watching a movie in a theatre alone has been something I was yet to tread on. I have always dreaded it thinking that it was the sort of thing loners … Continue reading “It’s a first!”

Shaadi Mubarak!

2011 has been big on the weddings front. Two very close friends and a brother got hitched and I’m very fortunate that I was able to be present and collect my own share of happy memories with them. Ridhima-Bhavya in May, Shoi-Bulan in July and most recently, Riki Bhaiya and his Jabalpur bride this month. Amongst a variety of speculations on whether I would be or should be able to … Continue reading “Shaadi Mubarak!”


The past month has been such a rush. Ever since I got back from home, I was welcomed by an avalanche of work-related madness. There was the first Indian Grand Prix which the whole team was excited about. From the moment we pitched for the account, and won it, we realised that this was the biggest event that the country would witness in this year. Frequent drives to and from … Continue reading “October”

The Boy Who Lived

The world is talking about it. The date has been long anticipated – so many are in mourning and the posters are aptly touching the right nerve. It indeed, all ends here. I can still remember the first day that I was introduced to J.K. Rowling and her magical world – I was loaned a copy of ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ which I gobbled up and there was … Continue reading “The Boy Who Lived”

Summer Tales

Although I cannot stop complaining about the way my life is increasingly edging towards mundane, looking back at my photo albums, there seems to have been a lot of movement. There seems to be a lot happening and I haven’t been able to keep account of the activities, so in no particular order, here goes: # Ridhima got married. Swetha, Bhardwaj and I splurged on an air-conditioned cab to get … Continue reading “Summer Tales”

A Game of Cricket

The qualifying match between India and Pakistan must be the most discussed topic in traditional as well as social media over the past week and especially through yesterday! And what a match it was! Age old political differences and all kinds of mixed emotions rolled into one game where pressures were mounting every second. Mohali was the place to be yesterday, but those of us who were watching the big … Continue reading “A Game of Cricket”

Observation chronicles

Increasingly, the human race is heading towards loner-ville. Several discussions and studies of behavioral patterns have proven that each individual is increasingly enhancing their belief in the sanity within oneself. Self sufficiency has an all new definition with regard to the disregard of people around oneself as thanks to technology and other distractions; we supposedly no longer need people around us. Well, it’s pleasant if they exist and show themselves … Continue reading “Observation chronicles”


An air conditioned room, a cane rocking chair, uninterrupted supply of calorie and non calorie food, parents and not a worry in the world. I have been talking about changes throughout the past month – this seems to be the biggest leap I am about to take. Tomorrow, I board the flight to Gurgaon; a place I have not known at all, to people I have known for a little … Continue reading “Bari”