Day 20# Struggles.

So this is where it gets difficult and bare-it-all.  So I’ll make it quick.  I’m struggling with a couple of things at this point in life. One which is the most disturbing to me, is the lack of direction.  It is not just something trivial that I’m fussing about, but a matter of consequential importance to me.  Over the past ten years, I have grown to become a person who … Continue reading “Day 20# Struggles.”

The Withdrawn Mathematician

Muscat, for me is so packed with memories that there is probably no such place that I can go to without being reminded that this is the place where I grew up.  Just this morning, on my way to work I spotted a man who looked like someone I knew. Identifying an uncanny resemblance, I twisted in my seat to get a better look as the car whooshed past. Hoping … Continue reading “The Withdrawn Mathematician”


Seems like just the other day that I was packing bags and cartons to send via Gati to Kolkata. Only last week that I walked into the cabin at Edelman India to say goodbye. Just the last weekend that I had such a gloriously drunken time with the girls at home. And just like that I look at the calendar and it’s been a month at Zeenah today. It’s a … Continue reading “Month-old”

World, Hold On…

You know that feeling when there’s so much you want to do but there seems to be strings tying you down?   That terrible ache when you see the world doing things that you’ve dreamt of?   That sinking thought which enters your head sometimes and whispers – “Maybe it’ll never happen for you.”?   That disappointment you feel when you’ve planned an entire trip and then have to erase … Continue reading “World, Hold On…”

Bleeding Hart

It has been a really long time since I sat down and actually enjoyed football. I can clearly recall how the parents and I would sit down after dinner to watch the late matches of some FIFA World Cup. Baba would take a print out of the schedule and I would dutifully update it. The 2010 World Cup was an absolute blur and owing to my rubbish Gurgaon PG I didnt … Continue reading “Bleeding Hart”

Glory in the Flower

What though the radiance which was once so brightBe now for ever taken from my sight,Though nothing can bring back the hourOf splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;We will grieve not, rather findStrength in what remains behind; — I came across this verse by Wordsworth yesterday. He talks about the overcoming. The absolute necessity to stand up once you have fallen, time and again. The deriving strength … Continue reading “Glory in the Flower”

Keep Calm & Carry On

It has been impossible to miss the frenzy that the ‘Keep Calm’ series has become. From the original version, I have come across a variety of adaptations such as ‘Keep Calm & Do Some Cardio’, ‘Keep Calm & Fake a British Accent’, ‘Keep Calm & Conjure a Patronus Charm’ to the absolutely eccentric ‘Keep Calm & Be A Marwari’ ! All my time in London, I saw impressions of the … Continue reading “Keep Calm & Carry On”


I had once heard and I repeat, given the aptness of the situation;Sometimes what one needs to realise is that courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all. In times where so much seems to be in doubt, each day becomes more trying than the other, … Continue reading “Stoicism”

The Good Life!

There are new songs on my playlist. It’s Friday. I am going home next week. My hair finally feels a little longer. I arranged for a birthday surprise and extracted a hug from an otherwise awkward-with-physical-contact person! There is close to zero visibilty due to fog from the window at work. I drafted a proposal at work – it was appreciated. More than once. This has been a good week, … Continue reading “The Good Life!”

The Resolute List

It is that time of the year to review last year’s resolution list and see how I’ve done. Referring back to last year’s post: 1. Learn to drive. Check. 2. Meet people, socialize positively. Sort of check. I have made a few really great friends this year. Nothing proactive, though. Nor romantic. 3. Lose weight. Uncheck. Bah, I haven’t even tried this one. To be transferred to the ‘To do’ … Continue reading “The Resolute List”