Day 28# WWW.

The internet universe. The answer to almost every question minds can perceive. A constant source of entertainment. At times when all has been down, a funny image on Facebook or a video of brides falling into their wedding cakes has provided solace. While in Delhi, I maintained a little folder of images I fell in love with, that I came across on the world wide web. Most of them are … Continue reading “Day 28# WWW.”

Day 27# Food For The Soul

A friend has recently started a Tumblr Blog about favourite music (It’s a great read and listen – should check it out!), and I did this one for her, with the top three I could think of, at that instant – but since I find it very difficult to pick the music I love best, here is an all new list of five songs/ music pieces that bring back memories, … Continue reading “Day 27# Food For The Soul”

Day 21# Yours Truly

It happens once in a while, that something that you happen to write seems to resonate with others and reflect a thought in the wholeness of the feeling. These are six posts which I have written in happiness, peace, anger, confusion or a concoction of all of the same. Whenever I read them, I feel like I’m doing something worthwhile, on this platform. Keep Calm & Carry On – about … Continue reading “Day 21# Yours Truly”

Day 19# Blogroll

Ever since I was introduced to the world of blogging, I discovered a whole new world. Of people. Their experiences. Of the way people wrote. A look into what they were made of.  The reading list on has been increasing and being a part of these blogs has almost become a routine to me. I wouldn’t know what to do, if these people stopped writing.  These are my top five, … Continue reading “Day 19# Blogroll”

Day 17# *Click*

Photograph albums were one of my favourite pastimes growing up, and even though I’ve managed to scan most of the pictures and saved them in my external hard drives, I refer to them from time to time, when I’m in Muscat or Calcutta.  It is a very difficult task – to pick a favourite picture of myself. I’ve been lucky to have parents with the love of documentation (Yes, that’s … Continue reading “Day 17# *Click*”

Day 14# “These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things”

The first thing that came to my mind when I read today’s topic was the delightful number from my all time favourite film ‘The Sound of Music’. While bright copper kettles and girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes will not make my list of ten things that make me really happy, the following have an almost magical effect, bringing an immediate smile to my face. There are many … Continue reading “Day 14# “These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things””


Talent lies in the most unapparent places.  Could you imagine that popular Indian advertising jingles such as ‘Washing powder Nirma’ and ‘Vicco Turmeric’ could be songs you’d like to add to your iPod and listen to? This video of Attulya Singh aka Atty was shared virally some years ago and I couldn’t get this boy’s voice out of my head. Never thought that a cover of Govinda – Karisma Kapoor starred ‘Goriya … Continue reading “Atta-boy!”

Language of the Gods…

Out of the hundreds of songs that we hear over the course of our days, some we groove to, others we add to the ‘Favourites’; some we forget about, others which stay with us; some remind us of a person or a memory, others which are genuinely random. Once, in a while – there is that one song – one voice – one line – that just leave you stunned. I … Continue reading “Language of the Gods…”