Dear Old Blighty

Even before starting out on the UK and Europe trip, I understood that there are a number of travel modes. By this, I mean there are different things that people like to do while on vacation – there is the lets-go-by-the-schedule-and-cover-everything, the I-don’t-care-about-touristy-stuff, the I-only-want-to-shop-balls-to-everything-else, the combination of a few of these and very many others. It really is amusing to see them in action.  I belong to the mixed … Continue reading “Dear Old Blighty”


Seems like just the other day that I was packing bags and cartons to send via Gati to Kolkata. Only last week that I walked into the cabin at Edelman India to say goodbye. Just the last weekend that I had such a gloriously drunken time with the girls at home. And just like that I look at the calendar and it’s been a month at Zeenah today. It’s a … Continue reading “Month-old”

Glory in the Flower

What though the radiance which was once so brightBe now for ever taken from my sight,Though nothing can bring back the hourOf splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;We will grieve not, rather findStrength in what remains behind; — I came across this verse by Wordsworth yesterday. He talks about the overcoming. The absolute necessity to stand up once you have fallen, time and again. The deriving strength … Continue reading “Glory in the Flower”