An Evening With The Arts

The benefits of being born in an extremely culturally inclined family are manifold. I’ve been educated in Indian classical vocals since I was six and Baba’s love for western classical has ensured that I know a little about the subject. When other parents would be taking their children to parks and amusement centres, my father was booking tickets for three to listen to the Royal Oman Symphony Orchestra at the … Continue reading “An Evening With The Arts”

Language of the Gods…

Out of the hundreds of songs that we hear over the course of our days, some we groove to, others we add to the ‘Favourites’; some we forget about, others which stay with us; some remind us of a person or a memory, others which are genuinely random. Once, in a while – there is that one song – one voice – one line – that just leave you stunned. I … Continue reading “Language of the Gods…”


It seems like the rains might finally be here. There is a perpetual overcast and frequent drizzles. I’m in my happiest frame of mind. I’ve also recently discovered ‘Advaita’ – they were playing live at the Olympics Opening Ceremony screened at the British High Commissioner’s Residence. Among the madness, I stood still for a moment and listened to their lead vocalist. This is my recent favourite from them, reflecting the … Continue reading “Engulfed”

The Sound of Music

I’ve been one of the fortunate few in the world whose lives have been almost always inspired by music. Being a single-child in a Bengali household, music is something one cannot escape from – it is crucial to be trained in vocals or an Indian classical instrument and to display one’s ‘talent’ on every visit to the motherland. I distinctly remember returning from school in the scorching middle-east sun in … Continue reading “The Sound of Music”