Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
I believe that everyone fears something. The important thing is to know that in your heart, and never let it consume you. That’s what I try to do with mine.
– I’m afraid of losing loved ones. So much that I block the thought consciously from my mind every time it slips in.
– I am absolutely terrified of sharks. I’ve seen numerous documentaries, read thoroughly about hoe meaningless galeophobia is – but nothing seems to make it go away. Every time I think of myself in the deep blue, a shadow of the smirking animal, gliding skilfully through the waters comes to mind. It troubles me immensely to think that I don’t step into the ocean as much as I would love because of this and desperately hope that it will diminish with time.
– I fear the concept of ‘loneliness for a lifetime’ – don’t ask me where it stems from or why it even exists.
– Clowns absolutely terrorise me. This probably comes from a horror show called ‘Woh’ that was televised on Zee TV featuring a clown as the protagonist. Been scarred ever since K
– I’m fearful of regret. I cannot imagine a life full of ‘What-Ifs’. It troubles me hollow sometimes.
– Heights make me anxious. It’s not overwhelming, but the fear does exist.
– Creepy crawlies. Spiders, cockroaches, locusts and anything else that belong to the insect family and can crawl, jump or fly. They have made me cry.
– I have an unsettling feeling while standing over glass (the sort in malls, elevators and like the Grand Canyon Skywalk)
– And lastly, I’m scared of not being able to do all the things that I dream of achieving. It’s probably a childish fear – but as the years pass, I find it more and more harrowing.