I know several people who devote a substantial time of their lives to YouTube – watching the most diverse array of things. It really is a phenomenon.
While I’m not among them, I scout for new music there at times. Click on random videos and sometimes discover some really stirring stuff.
This Las Vegas group was among these chance discoveries.
I was listening to some Snow Patrol favourites and one of the suggested videos was ‘Demons’ by a band called ‘Imagine Dragons’. I gave it a chance listen and was immediately gripped:
A few days later, I Shazam-ed another really catchy number from the radio and found them again. This time it was ‘Radioactive’
And most recently, I’ve found two new tracks from them and they’ve been playing on loop ever since! I wouldn’t called them musical masterpieces but there is something about their music that is fresh and grows on you. Give them a listen 🙂
Radioactive and demons are pretty catchy tracks!
Have been completely overdosing on their music! 😀