When September Ends.

This used to be one of my favourite songs during graduation. I think I was around 18 then.
We had a college band. They were pretty good. They also let me sing sometimes.
I also performed on stage. ‘Fix You’ by Coldplay. Wearing a saree. Yes.
I should upload that video sometime.
So, autumn is here.
It is probably my second favourite season after the rains. Winter is a close third.
People are posting pictures of leaves turning auburn. They say there’s a chill in the air.
Not that I can experience any of that sitting here writing a release about compost.
Nevertheless, the most trying of months has passed.
Its time to say goodbye to the heat and hello to the first salary, shoe shopping, Papa John’s Pizza and October.

3 thoughts on “When September Ends.

  1. Yes, compost. Just that we refer to them as 'treated effluents' #fml

    And I've left my comment 🙂

  2. @ Aiyo: I shall email it to you – to save me public embarrasment.

    And I did sing. Try and remember? 🙂

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